Bookings are now all easily accessible via a totally free app which will make it far quicker and easier for you to see what is coming up, what classes you have booked on to and options for payment etc.
1. Go to your phone APP store, search for FIT BY WIX and download it
2. You will see 3 options to join - choose the bottom one which says
'Got an invite code?'
3. Enter the code XGIE4T then choose JOIN
4. Choose the option to sign up with email
5. If you have purchased from the website before or signed up then you should already have an email address and password*
(*if you can't remember your password, choose 'forget your password?' and reset it)
If this is your first time then you will be given the option to enter an email and choose a password
6. You are all set up and it should bring you to The Stable Book a Class screen.
7. If you want to come along, just register for your chosen class then click 'choose payment option' where you can pay for a single session, use an exisitng Class Pass if you have already bought one or Choose Class Pass to buy your preferred option.
If you encounter any problems then please drop us an email below or grab us the next time you are in for a class to see if we can help you get set up.
Thank you